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Leather Bass Photo - MIchael Patrick O'Neill
Stock Photo ID: 45M1092-67
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Leather Bass (Dermatolepis dermatolepis), and schooling Barberfish (Johnrandallia nigrirostris). Revillagigedo Archipelago, off Cabo San Lucas, Mexico.
© MIchael Patrick O'Neill /
Atlantic Goliath Grouper Photo - MIchael Patrick O'Neill
Stock Photo ID: 45M1092-68
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Goliath Grouper (Epinephelus itajara), and Glassy Sweepers (Pempheris schomburgkii). Palm Beach County, Florida, United States.
© MIchael Patrick O'Neill /
Tawny Dragons Ctenophorus decresii Photo - Gary Bell
Stock Photo ID: 24T6605-12D
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Tawny Dragons (Ctenophorus decresii). Found in rocky ranges and outcrops of Eastern South Australia and Mutawintji National Park in New South Wales where it is Endangered, Australia
© Gary Bell /
Schooling Eastern Pomfred Photo - Gary Bell
Stock Photo ID: 24M1059-16D
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Schooling Eastern Pomfred, (Schuettea scalaripinnis). Photo taken at Solitary Islands Marine Park, Coffs Harbour, New South Wales, Australia.
© Gary Bell /
Schooling Eastern Pomfred Photo - Gary Bell
Stock Photo ID: 24M1059-17D
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Schooling Eastern Pomfred, (Schuettea scalaripinnis). Photo taken at Solitary Islands Marine Park, Coffs Harbour, New South Wales, Australia.
© Gary Bell /
Schooling Eastern Pomfred Photo - Gary Bell
Stock Photo ID: 24M1059-18D
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Schooling Eastern Pomfred, (Schuettea scalaripinnis). Photo taken at Solitary Islands Marine Park, Coffs Harbour, New South Wales, Australia.
© Gary Bell /
Schooling Eastern Pomfred Photo - Gary Bell
Stock Photo ID: 24M1059-19D
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Schooling Eastern Pomfred, (Schuettea scalaripinnis). Photo taken at Solitary Islands Marine Park, Coffs Harbour, New South Wales, Australia.
© Gary Bell /
Schooling Eastern Pomfred Photo - Gary Bell
Stock Photo ID: 24M1059-20D
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Schooling Eastern Pomfred, (Schuettea scalaripinnis). Photo taken at Solitary Islands Marine Park, Coffs Harbour, New South Wales, Australia.
© Gary Bell /
Bronze Whaler Shark caught in net Photo - Chris & Monique Fallows
Stock Photo ID: 38M2692-02
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Bronze Whaler Shark (Carcharhinus brachyurus) caught in beach seine net, being measured, tagged and released. Also known as Copper Shark and Cocktail Shark. Cape Town, South Africa
© Chris & Monique Fallows /
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