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Cape Fur Seal feeding on baitball Photo - Chris & Monique Fallows
Stock Photo ID: 38M1424-25
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Cape Fur Seal (Arctocephalus pusillus), feeding on an anchovy baitball. Cape Point, South Africa.
© Chris & Monique Fallows /
Coral Trout amongst Cardinalfish Photo - Gary Bell
Stock Photo ID: 24M1092-81D
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Coral Trout (Plectropomus leopardus), also known as Leopard Cod, amongst schooling Cardinalfish. Found throughout Indo-West Pacific. Photo taken on the Yongala shipwreck, Great Barrier Reef, Queensland, Australia
© Gary Bell /
Blue Shark feeding on baitball Photo - Chris & Monique Fallows
Stock Photo ID: 38M2618-30
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Blue Shark (Prionace glauca), feeding on an anchovy baitball. Also known as Blue Whaler and Great Blue Shark. This oceanic Shark is found in tropical and temperate seas worldwide. Photo taken at Cape Point, South Africa
© Chris & Monique Fallows /
Blue Shark feeding on anchovy baitball Photo - Chris & Monique Fallows
Stock Photo ID: 38M2618-31
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Blue Shark (Prionace glauca), feeding on an anchovy baitball. Also known as Blue Whaler and Great Blue Shark. This oceanic Shark is found in tropical and temperate seas worldwide. Photo taken at Cape Point, South Africa
© Chris & Monique Fallows /
Blue Shark feeding on baitball Photo - Chris & Monique Fallows
Stock Photo ID: 38M2618-32
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Blue Shark (Prionace glauca), feeding on an anchovy baitball. Also known as Blue Whaler and Great Blue Shark. This oceanic Shark is found in tropical and temperate seas worldwide. Photo taken at Cape Point, South Africa
© Chris & Monique Fallows /
Blue Shark feeding on anchovy baitball Photo - Chris & Monique Fallows
Stock Photo ID: 38M2618-33
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Blue Shark (Prionace glauca), feeding on an anchovy baitball. Also known as Blue Whaler and Great Blue Shark. This oceanic Shark is found in tropical and temperate seas worldwide. Photo taken at Cape Point, South Africa
© Chris & Monique Fallows /
Blue Shark feeding on baitball Photo - Chris & Monique Fallows
Stock Photo ID: 38M2618-34
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Blue Shark (Prionace glauca), feeding on an anchovy baitball. Also known as Blue Whaler and Great Blue Shark. This oceanic Shark is found in tropical and temperate seas worldwide. Photo taken at Cape Point, South Africa
© Chris & Monique Fallows /
Blue Shark feeding on anchovy baitball Photo - Chris & Monique Fallows
Stock Photo ID: 38M2618-35
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Blue Shark (Prionace glauca), feeding on an anchovy baitball. Also known as Blue Whaler and Great Blue Shark. This oceanic Shark is found in tropical and temperate seas worldwide. Photo taken at Cape Point, South Africa
© Chris & Monique Fallows /
Blue Shark feeding on baitball Photo - Chris & Monique Fallows
Stock Photo ID: 38M2618-36
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Blue Shark (Prionace glauca), feeding on an anchovy baitball. Also known as Blue Whaler and Great Blue Shark. This oceanic Shark is found in tropical and temperate seas worldwide. Photo taken at Cape Point, South Africa
© Chris & Monique Fallows /
Blue Shark feeding on anchovy baitball Photo - Chris & Monique Fallows
Stock Photo ID: 38M2618-37
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Blue Shark (Prionace glauca), feeding on an anchovy baitball. Also known as Blue Whaler and Great Blue Shark. This oceanic Shark is found in tropical and temperate seas worldwide. Photo taken at Cape Point, South Africa
© Chris & Monique Fallows /
Blue Shark feeding on baitball Photo - Chris & Monique Fallows
Stock Photo ID: 38M2618-38
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Blue Shark (Prionace glauca), feeding on an anchovy baitball. Also known as Blue Whaler and Great Blue Shark. This oceanic Shark is found in tropical and temperate seas worldwide. Photo taken at Cape Point, South Africa
© Chris & Monique Fallows /
Blue Shark feeding on anchovy baitball Photo - Chris & Monique Fallows
Stock Photo ID: 38M2618-39
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Blue Shark (Prionace glauca), feeding on an anchovy baitball. Also known as Blue Whaler and Great Blue Shark. This oceanic Shark is found in tropical and temperate seas worldwide. Photo taken at Cape Point, South Africa
© Chris & Monique Fallows /
Blue Shark feeding on baitball Photo - Chris & Monique Fallows
Stock Photo ID: 38M2618-40
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Blue Shark (Prionace glauca), feeding on an anchovy baitball. Also known as Blue Whaler and Great Blue Shark. This oceanic Shark is found in tropical and temperate seas worldwide. Photo taken at Cape Point, South Africa
© Chris & Monique Fallows /
Blue Shark feeding on baitball Photo - Chris & Monique Fallows
Stock Photo ID: 38M2618-41
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Blue Shark (Prionace glauca), feeding on an anchovy baitball. Also known as Blue Whaler and Great Blue Shark. This oceanic Shark is found in tropical and temperate seas worldwide. Photo taken at Cape Point, South Africa
© Chris & Monique Fallows /
Fish and Coral Reef Photo - Gary Bell
Stock Photo ID: 24M2020-40D
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Reef scene comprising of Brown Butterflyfish (Chaetodon kleinii), a single Moorish Idol (Zanclus cornutus), schooling Blue Triggerfish (Odonus niger) and a single Goatfish, all foraging for food amonst a coral reef. Anilao, Philippines. Coral Triangle.
© Gary Bell /
Scuba Diver and Pinjalo Snapper Photo - Gary Bell
Stock Photo ID: 24M0822-13
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Scuba Diver with Pinjalo Snapper (Pinjalo lewisi). Indo-Pacific
© Gary Bell /
Underwater Seascape with Fish Photo - Gary Bell
Stock Photo ID: 24M2455-46D
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Underwater Seascape showing schooling Talang Queenfish (Scomberiodes commersonnianus) swimming in mid water. Also known as Giant Queenfish. Found throughout the Indo-West Pacific. Photo taken at Heron Island Great Barrier Reef Australia.
© Gary Bell /
Underwater Seascape with Fish Photo - Gary Bell
Stock Photo ID: 24M2455-47D
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Underwater Seascape showing schooling Talang Queenfish (Scomberiodes commersonnianus) swimming in mid water. Also known as Giant Queenfish. Found throughout the Indo-West Pacific. Photo taken at Heron Island Great Barrier Reef Australia.
© Gary Bell /
Underwater Seascape with Fish Photo - Gary Bell
Stock Photo ID: 24M2455-48D
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Underwater Seascape showing schooling Talang Queenfish (Scomberiodes commersonnianus) swimming in mid water. Also known as Giant Queenfish. Found throughout the Indo-West Pacific. Photo taken at Heron Island Great Barrier Reef Australia.
© Gary Bell /
Yellowfin Tuna feeding on baitball Photo - Chris & Monique Fallows
Stock Photo ID: 38M1085-07
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Yellowfin Tuna (Thunnus albacares), feeding on a baitball. Photo taken off Cape Point, South Africa.
© Chris & Monique Fallows /
Yellowfin Tuna feeding on baitball Photo - Chris & Monique Fallows
Stock Photo ID: 38M1085-08
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Yellowfin Tuna (Thunnus albacares), feeding on a baitball. Photo taken off Cape Point, South Africa.
© Chris & Monique Fallows /
Yellowfin Tuna feeding on baitball Photo - Chris & Monique Fallows
Stock Photo ID: 38M1085-09
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Yellowfin Tuna (Thunnus albacares), feeding on a baitball. Photo taken off Cape Point, South Africa.
© Chris & Monique Fallows /
Bumphead Parrotfish and Trevally Photo - David Fleetham
Stock Photo ID: 70M1049-01
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Humphead Parrotfish (Bolbornetopon muricatum), and schooling Big-eye Trevally (Caranx sexfasciatus). Photo taken at the Liberty Shipwreck, Tulamben, Bali, Indonesia.
© David Fleetham /
Diver entering fish pen Photo - David Fleetham
Stock Photo ID: 70M1085-06
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Diver entering a fish holding pen containing Almaco Jack (Seriola rivoliana) at a fish farm off The Big Island Hawaii Pacific Ocean.
© David Fleetham /
Snorkeler photographing Snapper Photo - Gary Bell
Stock Photo ID: 24M0833-04
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Snorkel Diver or Snorkeler photographing schooling Hussar Snapper (Lutjanus adetii). Heron Island, Great Barrier Reef, Queensland, Australia
© Gary Bell /
Schooling Chevron Barracuda Photo - Gary Bell
Stock Photo ID: 24M1005-14D
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Schooling Chevron Barracuda (Sphyraena qenie). Kimbe Bay, Papua New Guinea.
© Gary Bell /
Schooling Chevron Barracuda Photo - Gary Bell
Stock Photo ID: 24M1005-15D
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Diver observing a huge school of Chevron Barracuda (Sphyraena qenie). Kimbe Bay, Papua New Guinea.
© Gary Bell /
Diver and Chevron Barracuda Photo - Gary Bell
Stock Photo ID: 24M1005-16D
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Schooling Chevron Barracuda (Sphyraena qenie). Kimbe Bay, Papua New Guinea.
© Gary Bell /
Schooling Chevron Barracuda Photo - Gary Bell
Stock Photo ID: 24M1005-17D
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Schooling Chevron Barracuda (Sphyraena qenie). Kimbe Bay, Papua New Guinea.
© Gary Bell /
Diver and Chevron Barracuda Photo - Gary Bell
Stock Photo ID: 24M1005-18D
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Schooling Chevron Barracuda (Sphyraena qenie). Kimbe Bay, Papua New Guinea.
© Gary Bell /
Schooling Chevron Barracuda Photo - Gary Bell
Stock Photo ID: 24M1005-19D
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Schooling Chevron Barracuda (Sphyraena qenie). Kimbe Bay, Papua New Guinea.
© Gary Bell /
Striped Catfish school Photo - Gary Bell
Stock Photo ID: 24M1006-02D
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Schooling juvenile Striped Catfish (Plotosus lineatus). Found through Indo-West Pacific, extending to sub-tropical regions. Seen in large schools, but adults seperate at night to feed. Also known as Coral Catfish. Great Barrier Reef, Queensland, Australia
© Gary Bell /
Schooling Sweetlips Photo - Gary Bell
Stock Photo ID: 24M1040-14
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Schooling Diagonal-banded Sweetlips (Plectorhinchus lineatus). Great Barrier Reef, Queensland, Australia
© Gary Bell /
Schooling Painted Sweetlips under Yongala Photo - Gary Bell
Stock Photo ID: 24M1040-15D
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Schooling Painted Sweetlips (Diagramma pictum), amongst schooling Slender Cardinalfish (Rhabdamia gracilis). Found throughout the Indo-West Pacific. Photo taken on the SS Yongala shipwreck, Great Barrier Reef, Queensland, Australia
© Gary Bell /
Painted Sweetlips and wrasse at Yongala Photo - Gary Bell
Stock Photo ID: 24M1040-16D
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Schooling Painted Sweetlips (Diagramma pictum), amongst schooling Slender Cardinalfish (Rhabdamia gracilis). Hump-headed Maori Wrasse or Giant Wrasse (Cheilinus undulatus) in background. SS Yongala Shipwreck, Queensland, Australia.
© Gary Bell /
Painted Sweetlips under Yongala Photo - Gary Bell
Stock Photo ID: 24M1040-17D
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Schooling Painted Sweetlips (Diagramma pictum), amongst schooling Slender Cardinalfish (Rhabdamia gracilis). Found throughout the Indo-West Pacific. Photo taken on the SS Yongala shipwreck, Great Barrier Reef, Queensland, Australia
© Gary Bell /
Painted Sweetlips and Cardinalfish at Yongala Photo - Gary Bell
Stock Photo ID: 24M1040-18D
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Schooling Painted Sweetlips (Diagramma pictum), amongst schooling Slender Cardinalfish (Rhabdamia gracilis). Found throughout the Indo-West Pacific. Photo taken on the SS Yongala shipwreck, Great Barrier Reef, Queensland, Australia
© Gary Bell /
Schooling Painted Sweetlips at Yongala Photo - Gary Bell
Stock Photo ID: 24M1040-19D
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Schooling Painted Sweetlips (Diagramma pictum), amongst schooling Slender Cardinalfish (Rhabdamia gracilis). Found throughout the Indo-West Pacific. Photo taken on the SS Yongala shipwreck, Great Barrier Reef, Queensland, Australia
© Gary Bell /
Schooling Painted Sweetlips and Cardinalfish at Yongala Photo - Gary Bell
Stock Photo ID: 24M1040-20D
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Schooling Painted Sweetlips (Diagramma pictum), amongst schooling Slender Cardinalfish (Rhabdamia gracilis). Found throughout the Indo-West Pacific. Photo taken on the SS Yongala shipwreck, Great Barrier Reef, Queensland, Australia
© Gary Bell /
Pink Basslets - males grouped together Photo - Gary Bell
Stock Photo ID: 24M1046-18D
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Pink Basslet (Pseudanthias hypselosoma), males grouped together. Also known as Stocky Anthias. Found throughout the Indo-West Pacific, including the Great Barrier reef, Australia.
© Gary Bell /
Pink Basslets Photo - Gary Bell
Stock Photo ID: 24M1046-20D
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Pink Basslet (Pseudanthias hypselosoma), males grouped together. Also known as Stocky Anthias. Found throughout the Indo-West Pacific, including the Great Barrier reef, Australia.
© Gary Bell /
Pink Basslets Photo - Gary Bell
Stock Photo ID: 24M1046-21D
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Pink Basslet (Pseudanthias hypselosoma), males grouped together. Also known as Stocky Anthias. Found throughout the Indo-West Pacific, including the Great Barrier reef, Australia.
© Gary Bell /
Basslets Christmas Island Photo - Gary Bell
Stock Photo ID: 24M1046-29D
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Schooling Whitley's Basslet (Luzonichthys whitleyi). Found in Indo Pacific at Christmas Island, Line, Phoenix, and Loyalty Islands. Photo taken at Christmas Island, Australia.
© Gary Bell /
Whitleys Basslets Christmas Island Photo - Gary Bell
Stock Photo ID: 24M1046-30D
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Schooling Whitley's Basslet (Luzonichthys whitleyi). Found in Indo Pacific at Christmas Island, Line, Phoenix, and Loyalty Islands. Photo taken at Christmas Island, Australia.
© Gary Bell /
Basslets Christmas Island Photo - Gary Bell
Stock Photo ID: 24M1046-31D
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Schooling Goldback Basslet (Pseudanthias evansi) and Neon Fusilier (Pterocaesio tile), amongst Acropora Coral. Photo taken at Christmas Island, Australia.
© Gary Bell /
Basslets and Fusilier Christmas Island Photo - Gary Bell
Stock Photo ID: 24M1046-32D
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Diver photographing Schooling Goldback Basslet (Pseudanthias evansi) and Blue Fusilier (Caesio teres), amongst Acropora Coral. Photo taken at Christmas Island, Australia.
© Gary Bell /
Lionfish and coral reef Christmas Island Photo - Gary Bell
Stock Photo ID: 24M1052-44D
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Common Lionfish (Pterois volitans), hunting schooling Basslets. Found throughout the Indo-West Pacific, including the Great Barrier Reef, Australia. Photo taken at Christmas Island, Australia.
© Gary Bell /
Lionfish and coral reef Christmas Island Photo - Gary Bell
Stock Photo ID: 24M1052-46D
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Common Lionfish (Pterois volitans), hunting schooling Basslets. Found throughout the Indo-West Pacific, including the Great Barrier Reef, Australia. Photo taken at Christmas Island, Australia.
© Gary Bell /
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