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Sugar train Port Douglas Photo - Gary Bell
Stock Photo ID: 24T6158-01D
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Sugar cane team locomotives, Ballyhooley Steam Railway, Port Douglas, Queensland, Australia
© Gary Bell /
Port Douglas beach Photo - Gary Bell
Stock Photo ID: 24T6158-02D
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Four Mile Beach. Port Douglas, Queensland, Australia
© Gary Bell /
Tree Atherton Tablelands Photo - Gary Bell
Stock Photo ID: 24T6255-93D
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Un-identified rainforest tree with lumps and bumps on the trunk of the tree. Photographed in rainforest on the Atherton Tablelands, north Queensland, Australia
© Gary Bell /
Billabong Cairns Photo - Gary Bell
Stock Photo ID: 24T6436-64D
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Billabong surface. Cattana Wetlands, near Cairns, Far North Queensland, Australia
© Gary Bell /
Bleached Anemone Great Barrier Reef Photo - Bob Halstead
Stock Photo ID: 35M0205-01
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Pink Anemonefish (Amphiprion perideraion), amongst tentacles of a bleached Sea Anemone. Osprey Reef, Great Barrier Reef, Queensland, Australia. March, 2014.
© Bob Halstead /
Bleached Coral Great Barrier Reef Photo - Bob Halstead
Stock Photo ID: 35M0205-03
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Bleached Coral (Acropora sp.). Coral bleaching occurred during March, 2014. Great Barrier Reef, Queensland, Australia.
© Bob Halstead /
Bleached Coral Great Barrier Reef Photo - Bob Halstead
Stock Photo ID: 35M0205-04
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Bleached Coral (Acropora sp.). Coral bleaching occurred during March, 2014. Great Barrier Reef, Queensland, Australia.
© Bob Halstead /
Bleached Coral Great Barrier Reef Photo - Bob Halstead
Stock Photo ID: 35M0205-05
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Partially bleached Coral (Acropora sp.). Coral bleaching occurred during March, 2014. Great Barrier Reef, Queensland, Australia.
© Bob Halstead /
Bleached Coral Great Barrier Reef Photo - Bob Halstead
Stock Photo ID: 35M0205-06
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Partially bleached Coral (Acropora sp.). Coral bleaching occurred during March, 2014. Great Barrier Reef, Queensland, Australia.
© Bob Halstead /
Bleached Anemone Great Barrier Reef Photo - Bob Halstead
Stock Photo ID: 35M0205-07
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Eastern Clownfish (Amphiprion percula), amongst tentacles of a bleached Sea Anemone. Osprey Reef, Great Barrier Reef, Queensland, Australia. March, 2014.
© Bob Halstead /
False Clownfish in bleached anemone Photo - Michael Patrick O'Neill
Stock Photo ID: 45M1033-04
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False Clownfish (Amphiprion ocellaris), in a sea anemone that is bleached from extreme high water temperature. Photo taken in Komodo National Park, Indonesia. Within the Coral Triangle.
© Michael Patrick O'Neill /
Bleached Coral Hawaii Photo - David Fleetham
Stock Photo ID: 70M0205-01
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Coral Bleaching in October 2015, showing colonies of bleached Cauliflower Coral (Pocillopora meandrina) on a Hawaiian reef. USA.
© David Fleetham /
Bleached Coral Hawaii Photo - David Fleetham
Stock Photo ID: 70M0205-02
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Bleached Cauliflower Coral (Pocillopora meandrina). Hawaii, USA. October, 2015
© David Fleetham /
Bleached Coral Hawaii Photo - David Fleetham
Stock Photo ID: 70M0205-03
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Bleached Cauliflower Coral (Pocillopora meandrina). Hawaii, USA. October, 2015
© David Fleetham /
Bleached Coral Hawaii Photo - David Fleetham
Stock Photo ID: 70M0205-04
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Bleached Cauliflower Coral (Pocillopora meandrina). Hawaii, USA. October, 2015
© David Fleetham /
Bleached Coral Hawaii Photo - David Fleetham
Stock Photo ID: 70M0205-05
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Coral bleaching on a Hawaiian reef. Photo taken in October, 2015.
© David Fleetham /
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